
Interview: Crypto Damus On Successfully Combining Bitcoin TA With Financial Astrology

Interview: Crypto Damus On Successfully Combining Bitcoin TA With Financial Astrology

Bitcoin is booming all over mainstream finance and in the course of social media. Diverse cryptocurrencies are on the subject of as sizzling, and even meme shares relish GameStop, AMC, and others have introduced retail into finance relish in no draw sooner than. It additionally has uncovered some of the more unorthodox parts of finance, similar to financial astrology.

Financial Astrology has been round for as lengthy as markets have been procuring and selling but has currently turn into standard thru the likes of Twitter and TikTok influencers. Nevertheless no longer everyone seems to be hopping on the trend. We’ve had the chance to sit down down and talk about to a skilled in astrology who spent bigger than two a protracted time studying the craft. They’re a pacesetter in the discipline of financial astrology and technical diagnosis market timing and are here to indicate how the progressive combo may perchance per chance additionally additionally be utilized to Bitcoin, Ethereum, and different cryptocurrencies.

Interview With Financial Astrologer, Technical Analyst Crypto Damus

NewsBTC: Can you birth up with a short introduction on how you first changed into in financial astrology and the draw in which that proceed began?

Crypto Damus: I had seen many correlations between markets and astrology over the years and read an editorial in The Mountain Astrologer relating to the financial astrologer Ray Merriman. I subscribed to his studies for a few years and changed into impressed to assign my own forecast file namely for Bitcoin and Crypto.

What came first, an hobby in astrology or finance? And where web Bitcoin and crypto approach into the fold for you?

I had already been all for astrology for loads of years sooner than getting namely into financial astrology. I purchased in Bitcoin in 2017 and used to be irregular to glance if I may perchance per chance additionally lift astrology suggestions to foretell Bitcoin label circulate and started a free file in late 2017. We had some success early on and went to a paid subscription in 2019. In 2019, we predicted the January market backside in January and additionally the spring rally and June blow-off prime-down to a ten-day period, months in reach, and additionally predicted the months-lengthy summer season/plunge downtrend that adopted. We additionally predicted the March 2020 promote-off, though no longer how excessive it’d be. Since then, now we have successfully called many valuable market tops and bottoms. Nevertheless now we have made mistakes too, Astro TA is swish fresh and I proceed to study, make stronger and refine my suggestions.

What about Bitcoin web you specialise in in?

I factor in Bitcoin is segment of a few increased developments. First, I factor in Bitcoin is the main world world currency that transcends world borders and nationwide currencies and central banks, this may perchance per chance additionally relief world commerce and lift of us collectively and unify the field. Second, Bitcoin is segment of the generational technological shift in world finance from a topic fabric payment relish paper money and Gold trusty into a digital payment. Third, Bitcoin and Crypto, normally, is clearly segment of a increased generational shift in investing; clearly, Crypto is the fresh stock market for millennials and one in all the most life like-performing sources on this planet on a 5-7 timeframe. Bitcoin items a generational investment opportunity.

Obviously, that is loads further sweeping of a request, but what are some key aspects that cause you to factor in so strongly in financial astrology and astrology normally?

Here’s a protracted discussion but on the full, I take into story astrology to be a accepted language that unearths the deeper nature of actuality. The correlation of Astrology to world events and market circulate is obtrusive and compelling, the files now we have is convincing, and we ponder astrology adds one more part to procuring and selling and investing that combined with different types of diagnosis, can give an edge. As an example, in Sept 2019, on Twitter and in my subscription studies, I predicted and warned my followers of a important world disaster in 2020 and counseled Gold namely, which did thoroughly in 2020. Unfortunately, we have been factual and files is energy, incandescent what’s coming can enable you to prepare. I will’t characterize you the draw in which many of us have educated me they thought astrology used to be BS till they began following my diagnosis! As soon as they glance the astrology play out in market piece circulate, the correlations are undeniable.

Macro Economic: Why are astrologers so jumpy relating to the Saturn/ Pluto conjunction of 2020 ? As a result of Saturn/Pluto cycle has correlated with valuable political, financial and cultural disaster. breakdown of novel structure and alternate. Important Saturn/ Pluto years have been….

— Crypto Damus (@AstroCryptoGuru) August 21, 2019

How did you come on the Crypto Damus title?

Why web you watched there are some of us so towards the muse that astrology can work?

There are a diversity of complex causes but it’s typically a symptom of closed-mindedness to one thing you don’t discover. I indicate honestly, there is never a rational cause astrology works, it be crucial to have moderately more birth-mindedness to a more mystical perspective that everyone things are in a technique interconnected. This day, we reside in such a scientific, materialist paradigm where science and good judgment are highly valued and this creates a variety of closed-minded attitudes to more mystical, intuitive arts relish astrology. I indicate, I love science, but it’s no longer the trusty tool in the box. Astrology is such a determined language that many don’t discover and haven’t taken the time to discover and there is never a formula to “recount” astrology works. So many of us merely reject astrology with out essentially essentially investigating it for themselves. It’s relish taking impress of someone talk about Chinese and taking into consideration it’s a bunch of gibberish merely due to you don’t in my thought discover it. Also, I ponder there is a false impact that Astrologers assume relating to the planets “cause” events to happen. In total, we request at it more as a language and as a look of energy pattern recognition and diagnosis. I provide a unfold of astrology education to support alternate this!

What are your tips on the upward thrust of financial astrology influencers on Twitter and TikTok currently, ie: Maren? What impact are they having on the discover?

Social media normally is an amplifier for both files and disinformation, but if it’s archaic skillfully, it on the full is a large formula to introduce of us to astrology. I indicate, on the full, I ponder it’s definite due to it will get of us, especially the youthful generation, in astrology. Millennials are very in astrology and additionally in Crypto, so it’s a natural fit. Also, Crypto of us seem like inherently moderately more birth-minded normally and I ponder they are more birth-minded to astrology. Maren namely is moderately controversial for a diversity of causes, (right or no longer), and of us either seem to relish her or abominate her. Maren more or less stormed into the Crypto world and acquired a variety of consideration for the the same work I had been doing for years, which used to be moderately aggravating. On the different hand, she introduced a variety of hobby to financial astrology and more hobby in my work as effectively. Some of us don’t relish it due to she does a variety of videos in lingerie or irrespective of, but I ponder it’s different and extraordinary. I’m friendly with her and I used to be on her Podcast in January, but I don’t essentially educate her work carefully. Total, if she is reaching a youthful audience, bringing more valid hobby to astrology, and helping of us to discover astrology better, I ponder it’s a appropriate factor. 

Purchasing and selling Bitcoin And How Technical Analysis Works With Astrology

How exactly web you leverage financial astrology within your own technical diagnosis?

It’s moderately complex, but typically, we glance astrology as one more level of files that adds an edge to technical diagnosis and possibility administration. In a single formula, which you may perchance additionally advise that astrological factors are merely one more technical indicator that helps us discover the market label circulate and trend. Astrology can additionally relief with timing and possibility administration. As an example, whenever you know a undeniable period is more or less favorable for procuring and selling, which you may perchance additionally add or lower possibility accordingly. It normally helps with when to forestall a commerce or have profits on a lengthy-time period discipline. Nevertheless relish all technical signal, it will give unsuitable signals too, so it’s appropriate one factor we request at.

Has financial astrology ever predicted any factual market actions for you, and if that’s the case, are you able to present some examples of that success?

I ponder I already gave you two examples from 2019 and 2020, on the other hand, we inform them every single day to support with swing procuring and selling, as effectively as lengthy-time period investing. I appropriate currently accurately predicted the fresh late July Bitcoin rebound rally to the day, in step with Moon Section files combined with technicals, and educated our subscribers to add to lengthy-time period positions and walk lengthy at 30,600. We additionally inform it to support assess Altcoins and have counseled LINK for a few years and currently counseled ADA and BNB.

Bigger image files from 1977, 2000, and 2008 indicates Inventory Market rallies are inclined to prime out in the guts of Uranus-Saturn onerous facets, adopted by multi-300 and sixty five days downtrends. Now we have a Uranus-Saturn square in 2021-’22, so we ponder the bull market in shares may perchance per chance additionally proceed effectively into 2022 but likely tops out somewhere sooner than OCT 2022, presumably for the reason that FED will deserve to raise charges.

Can you present some examples of what, as an illustration, Saturn conjunct with Mars may perchance per chance additionally indicate for Bitcoin?

Mars and Saturn are regarded as uncomfortable planets, so after they approach into conjunction, it’s on the full regarded as “snide luck” and brings issues, conflicts, epidemics, and market corrections. With out a doubt, Mars and Saturn can, in some situations, additionally be favorable reckoning on the aspect alignments.

How web you mix archaic technical indicators with financial astrology to make a working system?

That’s an ever-evolving factor. Heavenly now, briefly-time period procuring and selling, we glance the planetary aspect image, the moon segment files, and transits and progressions in the Bitcoin natal chart and approach up with a tough forecast image for Bitcoin. I additionally inform my own natal chart moderately loads. One of the mysteries of financial astrology is that your own natal chart will often present the most upright files and clues for your personal trades. I work with different trades to call favorable and uncomfortable periods for procuring and selling. Then we glance make stronger and resistance ranges, inform archaic technical indicators relish RSI, MACD, and Stochastics, with everyday and weekly shifting averages, and direct some technical criteria for entries, discontinue losses, and earnings targets. So the astrology gives us a like or bull bias on month-to-month and weekly time frames, then we inform label circulate and technicals to speak or invalidate our bias and additionally to manage the precise trades. We give all this files in our Patreon team and Substack studies.

Is there truth to things relish Mercury in Retrograde, as an illustration?

Yes, Mercury tips proceed, technology and verbal substitute, so when it goes retrograde 3x a 300 and sixty five days for 3 weeks every time, these areas of relish turn into more at possibility of issues. Technology normally and autos and phones and laptops more namely appear to have more issues, or issues which have been brewing may perchance per chance additionally tranquil be dealt with. Also, proceed is more at possibility of delays and interpersonal verbal substitute can atomize down. It’s on the full dejected to mark any lengthy-time period binding contracts in the intervening time. 

Nevertheless Mercury retro can additionally be appropriate for certain things, relish revising and editing, going thru closets to de-muddle, returning to effectively-worn locations, and visiting with an damaged-down friend you haven’t seen. It’s on the full better for slowing down and re-taking into consideration your formula moderately than looking out to push forward too strongly or birth a large challenge. On this form, astrology helps us be more in sync with the natural energy patterns of life. In financial astrology, we generally glance whipsaw label circulate round Mercury retro and a alternate available in the market trend, we are in a position to often glance issues, hacks, and system defects on the main exchanges.

How relating to the solar and moon cycles? How web these behaviors impact markets?

Successfully, namely in 2021, Bitcoin has made a outstanding correlation with Moon Phases. As a lot as now, now we have seen Bitcoin label trend down from the New Moon into the Elephantine Moon, making seven market bottoms appropriate sooner than or on the previous seven Elephantine Moons within 1-3 days. And then rally strongly from the Elephantine Moon into the New Moon, making 5-7 tops on the New Moon period. It’s no longer precise, but it’s stop adequate to present you a total ballpark trend, and thus upright now safer to commerce lengthy on the Elephantine Moon and defend lengthy into the New Moon and rapid flip short appropriate sooner than or on the New Moon. Now, this correlation may perchance per chance additionally alternate, but for now, it’s been working.

And the draw in which can everyday other folks inform astrology to better different areas of their lives outdoors of the financial world?

An astrology consultation from a skilled astrologer can in actuality present profound insights into character and personality, profession, relationships, and money. It’s a highly effective path for self-files. I give many consults to skilled traders and investors purchasing for an edge. On the change hand, astrology may perchance per chance additionally additionally be worthwhile in many assorted areas of life similar to medical astrology, geolocation astrology, and relationship astrology, to title a few. Also following forecasts on total astrology may perchance per chance additionally additionally be very worthwhile. As I discussed, I and plenty assorted astrologers had predicted a important world disaster in 2020, and afterward that the Pandemic would proceed effectively into 2021, so this fabricate of files may perchance per chance additionally additionally be precious to understand in reach. Namely, I predicted the Pandemic would make stronger Would possibly per chance well also merely-July and worsen yet again in late July into late December, which sadly appears to be like to have been upright up to now.

1/ I closed my $BTC lengthy this morning at 40k for third capture in a row, opened a minute short

Why ?

Mars in Virgo opposing #BTC Venus on the novel time

100 DMA and psychological level of 40k are hard resistance

looking out at 37400 or 35800 as possible make stronger ranges

Stop at 40600 if I am imperfect

— Crypto Damus (@AstroCryptoGuru) July 29, 2021

Financial astrology dates again ages and used to be highly popularized by W.D. Gann. Gann used to be equally regarded as a memoir and a hoax resulting from the practices he claimed to depend on. What are your tips namely on Gann?

To be factual, Gann used to be doing his own factor, with math and geometry, and different suggestions. He did inform astrological suggestions but he is no longer in actuality regarded as a financial astrologer per se. I web this request loads but I haven’t studied Gann and don’t inform his suggestions, so I can’t present any explicit insights on this request

Are there any different mighty sources of financial astrology files? And the draw in which can the NewsBTC audience study more about what you provide?

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