
UkraineDAO Organized for Battle Relief Efforts

UkraineDAO Organized for Battle Relief Efforts

Key Takeaways

  • Russian yelp band Pussy Insurrection is collaborating with PleasrDAO, Trippy Labs, and others to rearrange a DAO for Ukrainian war reduction efforts.
  • The bother objectives to bewitch NFTs of the Ukraine flag and donate the proceeds to charities assisting Ukraine residents.
  • NFT minting is anticipated to originate on Saturday, Feb. 26 with prices initiating at correct over 0.08 ETH ($220).

A community of activists is creating UkraineDAO to elevate funds for Ukrainian residents tormented by Russia’s invasion of the country.


Nadya Tolokonnikova, a founding member of Russian yelp rock community Pussy Insurrection, is cofounding a DAO to elevate funds for the Ukrainian war effort.

“Our goal is to elevate funds to donate to Ukranian civilian organizations who support those tormented by the war that Putin started in Ukraine,” Pussy Insurrection tweeted on Thursday, Feb. 24. “We’ll be shopping an NFT of [the] Ukrainian flag.”

The bother will reportedly involve the minting of one ordinary, highly-priced Ukraine flag NFT alongside 10,000 Ukraine flag NFTs equipped at lower prices to traditional consumers.

Minting is anticipated to originate on Saturday, Feb. 26. The minting impress of the NFT can be 0.08241991 ETH (about $220) in honor of Ukraine’s Declaration of Independence on Aug. 24, 1991.

UkraineDAO has counseled two charities: Attain Again Alive, which has raised over $4 milllion in crypto throughout the final few days, and Proliska, an NGO assisting residents shut to the East Ukraine contact line.

Besides to the NFT sale, UkraineDAO will scheme a net web page online to desire crypto donations and procure dilapidated funds. The community plans to integrate the positioning with the Ethereum Title Provider.

Pussy Insurrection Partners With NFT Veterans

Tolokonnikova, popularly acknowledged as Nadya Tolokno, is a founding member of UkraineDAO. Tolokno is finest acknowledged for a controversial incident in 2012, when she used to be arrested right by arrangement of a efficiency that intruded on a Russian Orthodox church.

The community also includes participants of PleasrDAO, the community at the support of 2021’s FreeRossDAO charity effort, and participants of Trippy Labs, a digital art collective desirous about past NFT fundraisers.

Other groups supporting the difficulty encompass the NFT marketplace OpenSea and the crypto change MoonPay, consistent with statements from Trippy Labs quoted in Fortune. OhhShiny, a crypto influencer, has also donated 10 ETH ($27,000) to the fundraising effort.

Other Teams Elevating Funds

Other groups are fundraising for Ukraine reduction efforts as effectively. Matthew Liu, the founder of Origin Protocol, is within the hunt for out creators to scheme a charity NFT. Liu said that he’ll “waive all proceeds and market [the NFT] heavily.” UkraineDAO has contacted Origin Protocol to collaborate, but a partnership has no longer been confirmed.

In utterly different locations within the crypto community, various NFT creators have banded collectively in an effort referred to as RELI3F to beef up Ukraine. Meanwhile, The Defiant also suggests that two rather quite a lot of groups, Unchain Fund and HoleDAO are raising funds to the identical end.

Crypto fundraisers are doubtless turning into standard in Ukraine each and each attributable to bigger media protection and attributable to the incontrovertible reality that Ukraine has shrimp digital payments under martial regulation.

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the creator of this share owned BTC, ETH, and rather quite a lot of cryptocurrencies.

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