
What ought to the crypto industry query from regulators in 2022? Specialists answer, Phase 1

What ought to the crypto industry query from regulators in 2022? Specialists answer, Phase 1
You wish to state the subscription to your inbox.”,”subscribe_email_required”:”Electronic mail required”,”subscribe_email_invalid”:”A legit electronic mail address needs to be supplied. “,”shares”:”Total shares”,”views”:”Total views”,”sponsoredBadge”:”stretch_banners.sponsored.badge”}” :put up=”{“identification”: 78629,”seo_title”:”What ought to the crypto industry query from regulators in 2022? Specialists answer, Phase 1″,”seo_description”:” Blockchain industry insiders answer: What were the principle crypto regulatory milestones in 2021, and what ought to be expected in 2022?…”,”key phrases”:” Bitcoin,Decentralization,Blockchain,Technology,Cryptocurrencies,Adoption,Regulations,United States,El Salvador,Bitcoin Regulations,Contemporary one year’s Particular “,”canonical”:” to-the-crypto-industry-query-from-regulators-in-2022-consultants-answer-share-1″,”thumb”:””,”img”:””,”youtube”:””,”og_title”:”What ought to the crypto industry query from regulators in 2022? Specialists answer, Phase 1″,”og_description”:” Blockchain industry insiders answer: What were the principle crypto regulatory milestones in 2021, and what ought to be expected in 2022? “,”twitter_title”:”What ought to the crypto industry query from regulators in 2022? Specialists answer, Phase 1″,”twitter_description”:” Blockchain industry insiders answer: What were the principle crypto regulatory milestones in 2021, and what ought to be expected in 2022? “,”revealed”:”2022-01-08T15: 15: 00+00: 00″,”noindex”:0,”modified”:”2022-01-18T06: 58: 15+00: 00″,”title”:”What ought to the crypto industry query from regulators in 2022? Specialists answer, Phase 1″,”leadtext”:” Blockchain industry insiders answer: What were the principle crypto regulatory milestones in 2021, and what ought to be expected in 2022? “,”amp”:” to-the-crypto-industry-query-from-regulators-in-2022-consultants-answer-share-1/amp”,”alternates”: [],”alternatesLinks”: [],”url”:”what-ought to-the-crypto-industry-query-from-regulators-in-2022-consultants-answer-share-1″,”url_full”:”/explained/what-ought to-the-crypto-industry-query-from-regulators-in-2022-consultants-answer-share-1″,”category”:{“identification”: 65,”url”:”explained”,”priority”:0,”created”:null,”modified”:null,”parent_id”:0,”is_hidden”:0,”created_at”:”-0001-11-30 00: 00: 00″,”updated_at”:”2019-03-12 14: 52: 37″,”deleted_at”:null,”admin_weight”: 30,”enabled”:1,”is_blog”:0,”linked”:0,”category_id”: 65,”language_id”:1,”title”:”Defined”,”alt”:””,”key phrases”:””,”seo_title”:”Defined: articles for learners about cryptocurrency and blockchain.”,”description”:”

What’s Bitcoin? How does blockchain work? How to mine cryptocurrency? We’re happy to enable you to answer these questions with our like a flash guides in Defined share.

n”,”seo_description”:”What’s Bitcoin? How does blockchain work? How to mine cryptocurrency? We’re happy to enable you to answer these questions with our like a flash guides in Defined share.”},”words_count”: 1321,”description”:” Blockchain industry insiders answer: What were the principle crypto regulatory milestones in 2021, and what ought to be expected in 2022?rn “,”creator”:{“identification”: 607,”title”:”Max Yakubowski”,”url”:”max-yakubowski”,”twitter”:””,”google_plus”:””,”photo”:””,”gender”:”male”,”description”:”Max Yakubowski is the opinion editor at Cointelegraph. He has a Grasp of Arts in linguistics and social anthropology and is smitten by modern abilities and its cultural and social impact to boot to discursive representations. Sooner than Cointelegraph, he worked as an tutorial curriculum developer and researcher at a form of tutorial organizations and establishments.”,”fb”:””,”electronic mail”:””,”linkedin”:””,”created_at”:”2018-06-20 15: 34: 43″,”updated_at”:”2021-10-20 17: 05: 43″,”deleted_at”:null,”avatar”:””,”hash”:”aHR0cHM6Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9hdXRob3JzL21heC15YWt1Ym93c2tp”,”relativeUrl”:””,”user_id”: 607,”language_id”:1,”identify”:”Max Yakubowski”,”desc”:”Max Yakubowski is the opinion editor at Cointelegraph. He has a Grasp of Arts in linguistics and social anthropology and is smitten by modern abilities and its cultural and social impact to boot to discursive representations. Sooner than Cointelegraph, he worked as an tutorial curriculum developer and researcher at a form of tutorial organizations and establishments.”,”seo_title”:”Max Yakubowski`s articles on Cointelegraph”,”seo_description”:”Max Yakubowski archive page on Cointelegraph. 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One of the most important topics for the entire crypto and blockchain industry is regulation. 2021 was full of news in that area, and one of the most widely discussed topics was the unprecedented experiment in El Salvador, the first country to give Bitcoin (BTC) the status of legal tender. Another hot topic was the United States Securities and Exchange Commission’s approval of the first futures-based Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF), which had been awaited for eight years and was hailed as a breakthrough moment in crypto history. I expect that these trends will continue in 2022: Small countries will follow El Salvador’s example of legalizing Bitcoin, while developed countries will most likely follow with the cautious approval of Bitcoin ETFs. But that’s just my opinion.


To gain more insight on the matter, I reached out to various experts from the crypto and blockchain industry, asking them: “In your opinion, has the crypto space reached any milestones in 2021 in terms of regulation? And what do you expect from regulators in 2022?”

nnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:05:09″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”sort”:1,”translations”:{“id”:3090,”explained_post_id”:3097,”title_en”:”Introduction”,”content_en”:”

One of the most important topics for the entire crypto and blockchain industry is regulation. 2021 was full of news in that area, and one of the most widely discussed topics was the unprecedented experiment in El Salvador, the first country to give Bitcoin (BTC) the status of legal tender. Another hot topic was the United States Securities and Exchange Commission’s approval of the first futures-based Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF), which had been awaited for eight years and was hailed as a breakthrough moment in crypto history. I expect that these trends will continue in 2022: Small countries will follow El Salvador’s example of legalizing Bitcoin, while developed countries will most likely follow with the cautious approval of Bitcoin ETFs. But that’s just my opinion.


To gain more insight on the matter, I reached out to various experts from the crypto and blockchain industry, asking them: “In your opinion, has the crypto space reached any milestones in 2021 in terms of regulation? And what do you expect from regulators in 2022?”

nnn”,”title_es”:””,”content_es”:”nnn”,”title_cn”:””,”content_cn”:”nnn”,”title_de”:””,”content_de”:”nnn”,”title_it”:””,”content_it”:”nnn”,”title_ar”:””,”content_ar”:”nnn”,”title_br”:””,”content_br”:”nnn”,”title_jp”:””,”content_jp”:”nnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:05:09″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”title_kr”:””,”content_kr”:”nnn”,”title_tr”:””,”content_tr”:”nnn”}},{“id”:3098,”post_id”:78629,”title”:”Alan Konevsky of PrimeBlock”,”content”:”

Alan is the chief legal officer of PrimeBlock, a sustainable Bitcoin mining operation and infrastructure solutions provider with locations spread across North America. PrimeBlock is a member of the Bitcoin Mining Council.


“China has had this love-hate relationship with Bitcoin since it came on the scene in 2009. The domestic political considerations that led to the change in policy this year and that led to Chinese exchanges and mining being pushed out of the picture won’t change in 2022. I don’t think we’re going back into the love part of the cycle. These changes in the competitive dynamic will continue to benefit the United States and other territories.


We will see increasing regulation and increasing political dialogue that touches crypto. The hope is that what comes out of Congress and from the regulators is going to be designed in partnership with the industry and part of a thoughtful dialogue that recognizes the way crypto is different from traditional finance and securities regulation, that some of the traditional tools don’t work in crypto, and that a lot of the same principles such as investor protections apply and need to be recognized, but the details need to look different. The hope is that things will come out of that constructive dialogue as opposed to folks just transferring legacy concepts wholesale or regulating by enforcement.”

nnnnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:05:35″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”sort”:2,”translations”:{“id”:3091,”explained_post_id”:3098,”title_en”:”Alan Konevsky of PrimeBlock”,”content_en”:”

Alan is the chief legal officer of PrimeBlock, a sustainable Bitcoin mining operation and infrastructure solutions provider with locations spread across North America. PrimeBlock is a member of the Bitcoin Mining Council.


“China has had this love-hate relationship with Bitcoin since it came on the scene in 2009. The domestic political considerations that led to the change in policy this year and that led to Chinese exchanges and mining being pushed out of the picture won’t change in 2022. I don’t think we’re going back into the love part of the cycle. These changes in the competitive dynamic will continue to benefit the United States and other territories.


We will see increasing regulation and increasing political dialogue that touches crypto. The hope is that what comes out of Congress and from the regulators is going to be designed in partnership with the industry and part of a thoughtful dialogue that recognizes the way crypto is different from traditional finance and securities regulation, that some of the traditional tools don’t work in crypto, and that a lot of the same principles such as investor protections apply and need to be recognized, but the details need to look different. The hope is that things will come out of that constructive dialogue as opposed to folks just transferring legacy concepts wholesale or regulating by enforcement.”

nnnnn”,”title_es”:””,”content_es”:”nnn”,”title_cn”:””,”content_cn”:”nnn”,”title_de”:””,”content_de”:”nnn”,”title_it”:””,”content_it”:”nnn”,”title_ar”:””,”content_ar”:”nnn”,”title_br”:””,”content_br”:”nnn”,”title_jp”:””,”content_jp”:”nnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:05:35″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”title_kr”:””,”content_kr”:”nnn”,”title_tr”:””,”content_tr”:”nnn”}},{“id”:3099,”post_id”:78629,”title”:”Ankitt Gaur of EasyFi Network”,”content”:”

Ankitt is the CEO of EasyFi Network, a layer-two DeFi lending protocol for digital assets.


“DeFi’s unprecedented growth and technological innovations in recent years baffled the global financial markets and regulators, who, I believe, are still trying to make sense of the whole situation. This is probably why cryptocurrencies as an asset class were ignored and regulation was completely absent for over a decade. But now, as DeFi is slowly making its way toward the mainstream, conversations around regulation are emerging. Coinbase’s recent tiff with the SEC is a clear sign that regulators are finally considering DeFi.


The Indian government is also expected to be working on a cryptocurrency bill to regulate the use of digital assets within the country. Given that India has the highest number of crypto users, this bill could be crucial for the crypto market. A lot of other countries could also clarify their stance on cryptocurrencies come 2022. The brighter side of all this is that official recognition from world governments could increase users’ trust in digital assets.”

nnnnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:06:04″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”sort”:3,”translations”:{“id”:3092,”explained_post_id”:3099,”title_en”:”Ankitt Gaur of EasyFi Network”,”content_en”:”

Ankitt is the CEO of EasyFi Network, a layer-two DeFi lending protocol for digital assets.


“DeFi’s unprecedented growth and technological innovations in recent years baffled the global financial markets and regulators, who, I believe, are still trying to make sense of the whole situation. This is probably why cryptocurrencies as an asset class were ignored and regulation was completely absent for over a decade. But now, as DeFi is slowly making its way toward the mainstream, conversations around regulation are emerging. Coinbase’s recent tiff with the SEC is a clear sign that regulators are finally considering DeFi.


The Indian government is also expected to be working on a cryptocurrency bill to regulate the use of digital assets within the country. Given that India has the highest number of crypto users, this bill could be crucial for the crypto market. A lot of other countries could also clarify their stance on cryptocurrencies come 2022. The brighter side of all this is that official recognition from world governments could increase users’ trust in digital assets.”

nnnnn”,”title_es”:””,”content_es”:”nnn”,”title_cn”:””,”content_cn”:”nnn”,”title_de”:””,”content_de”:”nnn”,”title_it”:””,”content_it”:”nnn”,”title_ar”:””,”content_ar”:”nnn”,”title_br”:””,”content_br”:”nnn”,”title_jp”:””,”content_jp”:”nnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:06:04″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”title_kr”:””,”content_kr”:”nnn”,”title_tr”:””,”content_tr”:”nnn”}},{“id”:3100,”post_id”:78629,”title”:”Bobby Lee of Ballet”,”content”:”

Bobby is the founder and CEO of Ballet, a company that provides simple, secure cryptocurrency storage solutions for the global mainstream market.


“The most important development in cryptocurrency regulation this year was El Salvador’s adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender. This fulfilled and exceeded my prediction five years ago, in December 2016, that a small country’s central bank would add Bitcoin to its foreign exchange reserves. Although El Salvador is a small country, the implications of this change will be profound. The Federal Reserve, the IMF and the Bank of England have stated that they are ‘concerned’ about El Salvador’s declaration of financial independence. Their concern is hardly benevolent. It’s based on the fear that if one country flourishes because of Bitcoin, it will trigger a cascading global exodus from the debt-based dollar system.


The United States won’t be following El Salvador’s example of making Bitcoin legal tender, but that’s not an obstacle to Bitcoin’s success. U.S. regulators and tax collectors have correctly decided to treat Bitcoin as an asset akin to gold, not as a currency or security. Fiat currency is backed by debt, and securities are backed by promises of future earnings; Bitcoin is backed by nothing except its proven utility as a permissionless, immutable, inflation-resistant ledger. So, I expect regulators to focus on squeezing more tax revenue out of Bitcoin holders rather than outright prohibition.”

nnnnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:06:32″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”sort”:4,”translations”:{“id”:3093,”explained_post_id”:3100,”title_en”:”Bobby Lee of Ballet”,”content_en”:”

Bobby is the founder and CEO of Ballet, a company that provides simple, secure cryptocurrency storage solutions for the global mainstream market.


“The most important development in cryptocurrency regulation this year was El Salvador’s adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender. This fulfilled and exceeded my prediction five years ago, in December 2016, that a small country’s central bank would add Bitcoin to its foreign exchange reserves. Although El Salvador is a small country, the implications of this change will be profound. The Federal Reserve, the IMF and the Bank of England have stated that they are ‘concerned’ about El Salvador’s declaration of financial independence. Their concern is hardly benevolent. It’s based on the fear that if one country flourishes because of Bitcoin, it will trigger a cascading global exodus from the debt-based dollar system.


The United States won’t be following El Salvador’s example of making Bitcoin legal tender, but that’s not an obstacle to Bitcoin’s success. U.S. regulators and tax collectors have correctly decided to treat Bitcoin as an asset akin to gold, not as a currency or security. Fiat currency is backed by debt, and securities are backed by promises of future earnings; Bitcoin is backed by nothing except its proven utility as a permissionless, immutable, inflation-resistant ledger. So, I expect regulators to focus on squeezing more tax revenue out of Bitcoin holders rather than outright prohibition.”

nnnnn”,”title_es”:””,”content_es”:”nnn”,”title_cn”:””,”content_cn”:”nnn”,”title_de”:””,”content_de”:”nnn”,”title_it”:””,”content_it”:”nnn”,”title_ar”:””,”content_ar”:”nnn”,”title_br”:””,”content_br”:”nnn”,”title_jp”:””,”content_jp”:”nnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:06:32″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”title_kr”:””,”content_kr”:”nnn”,”title_tr”:””,”content_tr”:”nnn”}},{“id”:3101,”post_id”:78629,”title”:”Dave Perrill of Compute North”,”content”:”

Dave is the CEO of Compute North, a cryptocurrency mining and infrastructure provider.


“The industry demonstrated its strength and ability to organize. With the U.S. legislature’s activity around crypto as part of the infrastructure bill, the industry was able to unite and get the message out: Cryptocurrency and blockchain are here to stay. While proponents are in favor of regulation to bring clarity to the market and encourage adoption, it needs to be thoughtful and encourage innovation, not restrict it. In 2022, we expect to see organizations such as the Digital Chamber of Commerce and the Bitcoin Mining Council, as well as regional groups like the Texas Blockchain Council, become more active in advocating policy and working with leaders of the Congressional Blockchain Caucus to write policies that are practical.”

nnnnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:06:57″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”sort”:5,”translations”:{“id”:3094,”explained_post_id”:3101,”title_en”:”Dave Perrill of Compute North”,”content_en”:”

Dave is the CEO of Compute North, a cryptocurrency mining and infrastructure provider.


“The industry demonstrated its strength and ability to organize. With the U.S. legislature’s activity around crypto as part of the infrastructure bill, the industry was able to unite and get the message out: Cryptocurrency and blockchain are here to stay. While proponents are in favor of regulation to bring clarity to the market and encourage adoption, it needs to be thoughtful and encourage innovation, not restrict it. In 2022, we expect to see organizations such as the Digital Chamber of Commerce and the Bitcoin Mining Council, as well as regional groups like the Texas Blockchain Council, become more active in advocating policy and working with leaders of the Congressional Blockchain Caucus to write policies that are practical.”

nnnnn”,”title_es”:””,”content_es”:”nnn”,”title_cn”:””,”content_cn”:”nnn”,”title_de”:””,”content_de”:”nnn”,”title_it”:””,”content_it”:”nnn”,”title_ar”:””,”content_ar”:”nnn”,”title_br”:””,”content_br”:”nnn”,”title_jp”:””,”content_jp”:”nnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:06:57″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”title_kr”:””,”content_kr”:”nnn”,”title_tr”:””,”content_tr”:”nnn”}},{“id”:3102,”post_id”:78629,”title”:”Hatu Sheikh of DAO Maker”,”content”:”

Hatu is the co-founder and chief strategy officer of DAO Maker, which creates growth technologies and funding frameworks for startups while simultaneously reducing risks for investors.


“2021 has been a stop-start year for crypto and DeFi, as regulatory bodies have not clarified their stance on the industry. This has held back the retail population from getting involved, and this is a huge opportunity cost for the industry. However, with El Salvador adopting Bitcoin as legal tender and more countries embracing crypto, the future looks brighter.


In 2021, yes, there have been multiple deliberations at various levels regarding crypto and its regulatory status. Governments and regulatory authorities across the globe have expressed reservations against the mainstreaming of crypto. However, they also realize the industry is maturing and currently is even too big to have a blanket ban imposed.


I believe blockchain technology must be nowhere near the regulatory scheme of things, as the tech and its applications supersede the need for oversight. They bring much-needed facets like transparency and decentralization to the forefront. Regulating blockchain technology will only adversely impact our evolution as a society.


Apart from this, in 2022, I expect more acceptance on the regulatory front as crypto aims to revolutionize the financial system across the globe with DeFi. Crypto forensics is on the rise, and I expect it to be adopted by governments to safeguard their citizens.


Regulations are necessary for crypto in 2022, but restrictions are not.”

nnnnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:07:28″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”sort”:6,”translations”:{“id”:3095,”explained_post_id”:3102,”title_en”:”Hatu Sheikh of DAO Maker”,”content_en”:”

Hatu is the co-founder and chief strategy officer of DAO Maker, which creates growth technologies and funding frameworks for startups while simultaneously reducing risks for investors.


“2021 has been a stop-start year for crypto and DeFi, as regulatory bodies have not clarified their stance on the industry. This has held back the retail population from getting involved, and this is a huge opportunity cost for the industry. However, with El Salvador adopting Bitcoin as legal tender and more countries embracing crypto, the future looks brighter.


In 2021, yes, there have been multiple deliberations at various levels regarding crypto and its regulatory status. Governments and regulatory authorities across the globe have expressed reservations against the mainstreaming of crypto. However, they also realize the industry is maturing and currently is even too big to have a blanket ban imposed.


I believe blockchain technology must be nowhere near the regulatory scheme of things, as the tech and its applications supersede the need for oversight. They bring much-needed facets like transparency and decentralization to the forefront. Regulating blockchain technology will only adversely impact our evolution as a society.


Apart from this, in 2022, I expect more acceptance on the regulatory front as crypto aims to revolutionize the financial system across the globe with DeFi. Crypto forensics is on the rise, and I expect it to be adopted by governments to safeguard their citizens.


Regulations are necessary for crypto in 2022, but restrictions are not.”

nnnnn”,”title_es”:””,”content_es”:”nnn”,”title_cn”:””,”content_cn”:”nnn”,”title_de”:””,”content_de”:”nnn”,”title_it”:””,”content_it”:”nnn”,”title_ar”:””,”content_ar”:”nnn”,”title_br”:””,”content_br”:”nnn”,”title_jp”:””,”content_jp”:”nnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:07:28″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”title_kr”:””,”content_kr”:”nnn”,”title_tr”:””,”content_tr”:”nnn”}},{“id”:3103,”post_id”:78629,”title”:”Jason Allegrante of Fireblocks”,”content”:”

Jason is the head regulatory counsel and global chief compliance officer at Fireblocks, a digital asset custody, transfer and settlement platform.


“The year 2022 will be tumultuous, with regulators sending confusing signals around the world and a slew of high-profile enforcement actions, particularly in the United States. As we go from the current phase of trying to fit cryptocurrencies into existing asset categories to the future phase of adopting regulatory frameworks that treat digital assets as digital assets, we will see a growing agreement around cryptocurrency regulation.


In terms of regulation, Europe will take the lead, followed by the United States. While the specific outlines of future regulatory frameworks are unknown, there are grounds to assume that the industry’s biggest fears — such as outlawing DeFi and/or unhosted wallets — will not be realized. Institutional adoption will be fueled by regulatory clarity, or even signals of future clarity.”

nnnnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:07:59″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”sort”:7,”translations”:{“id”:3096,”explained_post_id”:3103,”title_en”:”Jason Allegrante of Fireblocks”,”content_en”:”

Jason is the head regulatory counsel and global chief compliance officer at Fireblocks, a digital asset custody, transfer and settlement platform.


“The year 2022 will be tumultuous, with regulators sending confusing signals around the world and a slew of high-profile enforcement actions, particularly in the United States. As we go from the current phase of trying to fit cryptocurrencies into existing asset categories to the future phase of adopting regulatory frameworks that treat digital assets as digital assets, we will see a growing agreement around cryptocurrency regulation.


In terms of regulation, Europe will take the lead, followed by the United States. While the specific outlines of future regulatory frameworks are unknown, there are grounds to assume that the industry’s biggest fears — such as outlawing DeFi and/or unhosted wallets — will not be realized. Institutional adoption will be fueled by regulatory clarity, or even signals of future clarity.”

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Lisa is an Elliott Wave specialist trader with 20-plus years of experience in traditional stocks and commodities, now exclusively trading cryptocurrency. She runs and co-owns Getting Started In Crypto, Thousand To Millions and The Moon Mag with Josh Taylor.


“Most exchanges I trade on have asked me to complete KYC to stay trading on their platforms. A few exchanges took this too far by cutting accounts down to one per person, which, in reality, was crazy. With traditional banking, you can have numerous accounts with one bank, so in my opinion, a few bridges need to be crossed to meet in the middle. AML can still be tightened, but we have a long way to go. And as with traditional cash, there will always be ways around this. Blockchain does tighten the ability to follow the money trail, but there are new ways popping up daily to hide these trails.”

nnnnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:08:27″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”sort”:8,”translations”:{“id”:3097,”explained_post_id”:3104,”title_en”:”Lisa N. Edwards of Getting Started In Crypto”,”content_en”:”

Lisa is an Elliott Wave specialist trader with 20-plus years of experience in traditional stocks and commodities, now exclusively trading cryptocurrency. She runs and co-owns Getting Started In Crypto, Thousand To Millions and The Moon Mag with Josh Taylor.


“Most exchanges I trade on have asked me to complete KYC to stay trading on their platforms. A few exchanges took this too far by cutting accounts down to one per person, which, in reality, was crazy. With traditional banking, you can have numerous accounts with one bank, so in my opinion, a few bridges need to be crossed to meet in the middle. AML can still be tightened, but we have a long way to go. And as with traditional cash, there will always be ways around this. Blockchain does tighten the ability to follow the money trail, but there are new ways popping up daily to hide these trails.”

nnnnn”,”title_es”:””,”content_es”:”nnn”,”title_cn”:””,”content_cn”:”nnn”,”title_de”:””,”content_de”:”nnn”,”title_it”:””,”content_it”:”nnn”,”title_ar”:””,”content_ar”:”nnn”,”title_br”:””,”content_br”:”nnn”,”title_jp”:””,”content_jp”:”nnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:08:27″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”title_kr”:””,”content_kr”:”nnn”,”title_tr”:””,”content_tr”:”nnn”}},{“id”:3105,”post_id”:78629,”title”:”Nick du Cros of CoinShares”,”content”:”

Nick is the head of compliance and regulatory affairs at CoinShares UK, a digital asset management firm that provides financial products and services for professional investors.


“I am expecting a trifurcation of approaches from regulators in 2022. Firstly, there will be the builders producing bespoke regulations for digital assets. Secondly, panicked by financial stability concerns, a subset of regulators will feel immediate action is required! Their default approach will be to simply right-click and copy across banking regulations. Thirdly, there will be a handful of regulators looking to impose significant restrictions on or outright ban digital assets.


My hope is that 2022 will belong to the builders and be seen as the year that international regulatory frameworks for digital assets truly commenced — future-looking frameworks that could support a cross-border approach to the technological, legal, regulatory and supervisory challenges.


In 2022, I am looking at two particular developments:



  • The Markets in Crypto-Assets regulations, where negotiations may be finalized during Q2 2022, with MiCA commencing in 2024. By being the first mover, MiCA is likely to set the baseline for assessing future national regulations.
  • nt

  • The speed of implementation of the Financial Stability Board’s stablecoin recommendations and standards into national laws.
  • n


While any regulations are unlikely to be absolutely perfect upon their first implementation, they will mark significant steps forward in the building of digital asset regulation.”

nnnnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:09:06″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”sort”:9,”translations”:{“id”:3098,”explained_post_id”:3105,”title_en”:”Nick du Cros of CoinShares”,”content_en”:”

Nick is the head of compliance and regulatory affairs at CoinShares UK, a digital asset management firm that provides financial products and services for professional investors.


“I am expecting a trifurcation of approaches from regulators in 2022. Firstly, there will be the builders producing bespoke regulations for digital assets. Secondly, panicked by financial stability concerns, a subset of regulators will feel immediate action is required! Their default approach will be to simply right-click and copy across banking regulations. Thirdly, there will be a handful of regulators looking to impose significant restrictions on or outright ban digital assets.


My hope is that 2022 will belong to the builders and be seen as the year that international regulatory frameworks for digital assets truly commenced — future-looking frameworks that could support a cross-border approach to the technological, legal, regulatory and supervisory challenges.


In 2022, I am looking at two particular developments:



  • The Markets in Crypto-Assets regulations, where negotiations may be finalized during Q2 2022, with MiCA commencing in 2024. By being the first mover, MiCA is likely to set the baseline for assessing future national regulations.
  • nt

  • The speed of implementation of the Financial Stability Board’s stablecoin recommendations and standards into national laws.
  • n


While any regulations are unlikely to be absolutely perfect upon their first implementation, they will mark significant steps forward in the building of digital asset regulation.”

nnnnn”,”title_es”:””,”content_es”:”nnn”,”title_cn”:””,”content_cn”:”nnn”,”title_de”:””,”content_de”:”nnn”,”title_it”:””,”content_it”:”nnn”,”title_ar”:””,”content_ar”:”nnn”,”title_br”:””,”content_br”:”nnn”,”title_jp”:””,”content_jp”:”nnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:09:06″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”title_kr”:””,”content_kr”:”nnn”,”title_tr”:””,”content_tr”:”nnn”}},{“id”:3106,”post_id”:78629,”title”:”Paolo Ardoino of Bitfinex”,”content”:”

Paolo is the chief technology officer of Bitfinex, a digital asset trading platform offering state-of-the-art services for digital currency traders and global liquidity providers.


“Regulators will continue to look at how to put in place appropriate rules and regulations for blockchain-based technologies, and I would encourage the industry to proactively work with regulators to help them achieve this aim.”

nnnnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:09:28″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”sort”:10,”translations”:{“id”:3099,”explained_post_id”:3106,”title_en”:”Paolo Ardoino of Bitfinex”,”content_en”:”

Paolo is the chief technology officer of Bitfinex, a digital asset trading platform offering state-of-the-art services for digital currency traders and global liquidity providers.


“Regulators will continue to look at how to put in place appropriate rules and regulations for blockchain-based technologies, and I would encourage the industry to proactively work with regulators to help them achieve this aim.”

nnnnn”,”title_es”:””,”content_es”:”nnn”,”title_cn”:””,”content_cn”:”nnn”,”title_de”:””,”content_de”:”nnn”,”title_it”:””,”content_it”:”nnn”,”title_ar”:””,”content_ar”:”nnn”,”title_br”:””,”content_br”:”nnn”,”title_jp”:””,”content_jp”:”nnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:09:28″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”title_kr”:””,”content_kr”:”nnn”,”title_tr”:””,”content_tr”:”nnn”}},{“id”:3107,”post_id”:78629,”title”:”Roger Ver of”,”content”:”

Roger is an early Bitcoin adopter and investor. He is the executive chairman of, a site featuring cryptocurrency news in addition to an exchange and wallet service. He is also one of the five original founders of the Bitcoin Foundation.


“I look forward to the day government regulators have to find honest work in the private sector and their salaries are no longer extracted from others with threats of violence.”

nnnnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:09:50″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”sort”:11,”translations”:{“id”:3100,”explained_post_id”:3107,”title_en”:”Roger Ver of”,”content_en”:”

Roger is an early Bitcoin adopter and investor. He is the executive chairman of, a site featuring cryptocurrency news in addition to an exchange and wallet service. He is also one of the five original founders of the Bitcoin Foundation.


“I look forward to the day government regulators have to find honest work in the private sector and their salaries are no longer extracted from others with threats of violence.”

nnnnn”,”title_es”:””,”content_es”:”nnn”,”title_cn”:””,”content_cn”:”nnn”,”title_de”:””,”content_de”:”nnn”,”title_it”:””,”content_it”:”nnn”,”title_ar”:””,”content_ar”:”nnn”,”title_br”:””,”content_br”:”nnn”,”title_jp”:””,”content_jp”:”nnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:09:50″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”title_kr”:””,”content_kr”:”nnn”,”title_tr”:””,”content_tr”:”nnn”}},{“id”:3108,”post_id”:78629,”title”:”Simon Peters of eToro”,”content”:”

Simon is the crypto analyst at eToro, the world’s leading social trading platform, which offers both investing in stocks and cryptocurrencies.


“EToro fully supports regulatory measures designed to protect and educate investors and end-users. We hope that any guidelines put in place will balance the need to protect retail investors with a desire to support their participation in the crypto markets. We hope that increased regulation will help to facilitate greater use of a technology that can not only deliver real benefits to the financial services sector but also facilitate greater financial inclusion globally.”

nnnnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:10:16″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”sort”:12,”translations”:{“id”:3101,”explained_post_id”:3108,”title_en”:”Simon Peters of eToro”,”content_en”:”

Simon is the crypto analyst at eToro, the world’s leading social trading platform, which offers both investing in stocks and cryptocurrencies.


“EToro fully supports regulatory measures designed to protect and educate investors and end-users. We hope that any guidelines put in place will balance the need to protect retail investors with a desire to support their participation in the crypto markets. We hope that increased regulation will help to facilitate greater use of a technology that can not only deliver real benefits to the financial services sector but also facilitate greater financial inclusion globally.”

nnnnn”,”title_es”:””,”content_es”:”nnn”,”title_cn”:””,”content_cn”:”nnn”,”title_de”:””,”content_de”:”nnn”,”title_it”:””,”content_it”:”nnn”,”title_ar”:””,”content_ar”:”nnn”,”title_br”:””,”content_br”:”nnn”,”title_jp”:””,”content_jp”:”nnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:10:16″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”title_kr”:””,”content_kr”:”nnn”,”title_tr”:””,”content_tr”:”nnn”}},{“id”:3109,”post_id”:78629,”title”:”Yat Siu of Animoca Brands”,”content”:”

Yat is the co-founder and executive chairman of Animoca Brands, which delivers digital property rights to the world’s gamers and internet users, thereby creating a new asset class, play-to-earn economies and a more equitable digital framework contributing to the building of the open Metaverse.


“Regulation will start to become more defined in 2022, although how, exactly, remains to be seen. 2021’s milestone was probably the substantial growth in public awareness of blockchain — Collins Dictionary even declared ‘NFT’ the word of the year.”



These quotes have been edited and condensed.




The views, thoughts and opinions expressed here are the authors’ alone and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions of Cointelegraph.


nnnnn”,”created_at”:”2021-12-29 16:12:16″,”updated_at”:”2022-01-18 06:58:22″,”sort”:13,”translations”:{“id”:3102,”explained_post_id”:3109,”title_en”:”Yat Siu of Animoca Brands”,”content_en”:”

Yat is the co-founder and executive chairman of Animoca Brands, which delivers digital property rights to the world’s gamers and internet users, thereby creating a new asset class, play-to-earn economies and a more equitable digital framework contributing to the building of the open Metaverse.


“Regulation will start to become more defined in 2022, although how, exactly, remains to be seen. 2021’s milestone was probably the substantial growth in public awareness of blockchain — Collins Dictionary even declared ‘NFT’ the word of the year.”



These quotes have been edited and condensed.




The views, thoughts and opinions expressed here are the authors’ alone and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions of Cointelegraph.


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One of an awfully distinguished matters for the entire crypto and blockchain industry is law. 2021 was as soon as pudgy of facts in that space, and one of one of the most extensively discussed matters was as soon as the unprecedented experiment in El Salvador, the first country to give Bitcoin (BTC) the put of valid gentle. Every other sizzling topic was as soon as the united states Securities and Alternate Payment’s approval of the first futures-primarily based mostly Bitcoin alternate-traded fund (ETF), which had been awaited for eight years and was as soon as hailed as a breakthrough moment in crypto historical past. I query that these traits will proceed in 2022: Small nations will follow El Salvador’s instance of legalizing Bitcoin, while developed nations will doubtless follow with the cautious approval of Bitcoin ETFs. Nonetheless that’s merely my opinion.

To carry out more insight on the matter, I reached out to a form of consultants from the crypto and blockchain industry, asking them: “In your opinion, has the crypto space reached any milestones in 2021 through law? And what carry out you query from regulators in 2022?”

Alan is the chief valid officer of PrimeBlock, a sustainable Bitcoin mining operation and infrastructure solutions provider with areas spread correct thru North The usa. PrimeBlock is a member of the Bitcoin Mining Council.

“China has had this savor-hate relationship with Bitcoin since it came on the scene in 2009. The home political considerations that led to the unreal in coverage this one year and that led to Chinese language exchanges and mining being pushed out of the describe received’t substitute in 2022. I don’t judge we’re going inspire into the savor share of the cycle. These adjustments within the competitive dynamic will proceed to again the united states and other territories.

We are capable of witness rising law and rising political dialogue that touches crypto. The hope is that what comes out of Congress and from the regulators is going to be designed in partnership with the industry and share of a considerate dialogue that recognizes the manner crypto is never the same as veteran finance and securities law, that some of the veteran instruments don’t work in crypto, and that a form of the an identical principles such as investor protections follow and ought to be known, nonetheless the particulars ought to trace different. The hope is that things will come out of that constructive dialogue in jam of fogeys merely transferring legacy ideas wholesale or regulating by enforcement.”

Ankitt is the CEO of EasyFi Community, a layer-two DeFi lending protocol for digital resources.

“DeFi’s unprecedented improve and technological innovations nowadays baffled the worldwide financial markets and regulators, who, I have, are aloof searching to manufacture sense of your entire wretchedness. Here’s seemingly why cryptocurrencies as an asset class were skipped over and law was as soon as fully absent for over a decade. Nonetheless now, as DeFi is slowly making its contrivance toward the mainstream, conversations around law are rising. Coinbase’s contemporary tiff with the SEC is a ideal signal that regulators are finally brooding about DeFi.

The Indian executive shall be expected to be working on a cryptocurrency bill to preserve watch over the usage of digital resources within the future of the country. On condition that India has the highest quantity of crypto customers, this bill would possibly even be foremost for the crypto market. Quite a bit of other nations would possibly clarify their stance on cryptocurrencies come 2022. The brighter aspect of all right here’s that respectable recognition from world governments would possibly amplify customers’ have faith in digital resources.”

Bobby is the founder and CEO of Ballet, a company that provides easy, right cryptocurrency storage solutions for the worldwide mainstream market.

“The greatest trend in cryptocurrency law this one year was as soon as El Salvador’s adoption of Bitcoin as valid gentle. This fulfilled and exceeded my prediction five years ago, in December 2016, that a small country’s central financial institution would add Bitcoin to its foreign alternate reserves. Although El Salvador is a small country, the implications of this substitute will be profound. The Federal Reserve, the IMF and the Bank of England own acknowledged that they are ‘fervent’ about El Salvador’s declaration of financial independence. Their difficulty is hardly benevolent. It’s in step with the phobia that if one country prospers on account of Bitcoin, this would possibly trigger a cascading global exodus from the debt-primarily based mostly buck machine.

The United States received’t be following El Salvador’s instance of making Bitcoin valid gentle, nonetheless that’s no longer a downside to Bitcoin’s success. U.S. regulators and tax collectors own appropriately determined to treat Bitcoin as an asset such as gold, no longer as a currency or safety. Fiat currency is backed by debt, and securities are backed by guarantees of future earnings; Bitcoin is backed by nothing moreover its proven utility as a permissionless, immutable, inflation-resistant ledger. So, I query regulators to focal point on squeezing more tax revenue out of Bitcoin holders moderately than outright prohibition.”

Dave is the CEO of Compute North, a cryptocurrency mining and infrastructure provider.

“The industry demonstrated its energy and skill to put together. With the U.S. legislature’s activity around crypto as share of the infrastructure bill, the industry was as soon as ready to unite and bag the message out: Cryptocurrency and blockchain are right here to dwell. Whereas proponents are in favor of law to ship clarity to the market and relief adoption, it needs to be considerate and relief innovation, no longer prohibit it. In 2022, we query to glimpse organizations such as the Digital Chamber of Commerce and the Bitcoin Mining Council, to boot to regional groups savor the Texas Blockchain Council, change into more active in advocating coverage and working with leaders of the Congressional Blockchain Caucus to jot down insurance policies that are ideal.”

Hatu is the co-founder and chief technique officer of DAO Maker, which creates improve technologies and funding frameworks for startups while simultaneously lowering risks for shoppers.

“2021 has been a slay-birth up one year for crypto and DeFi, as regulatory bodies own no longer clarified their stance on the industry. This has held inspire the retail population from getting concerned, and right here’s a large opportunity value for the industry. However, with El Salvador adopting Bitcoin as valid gentle and more nations embracing crypto, the lengthy scuttle looks brighter.

In 2021, yes, there had been a few deliberations at a form of ranges referring to crypto and its regulatory put. Governments and regulatory authorities correct thru the globe own expressed reservations against the mainstreaming of crypto. However, they also trace the industry is maturing and at demonstrate is even too tall to own a blanket ban imposed.

I have blockchain abilities needs to be nowhere shut to the regulatory contrivance of things, as the tech and its applications supersede the need for oversight. They ship mighty-foremost facets savor transparency and decentralization to the forefront. Regulating blockchain abilities will most interesting adversely impact our evolution as a society.

Other than this, in 2022, I query more acceptance on the regulatory entrance as crypto targets to revolutionize the financial machine correct thru the globe with DeFi. Crypto forensics is on the upward thrust, and I query it to be adopted by governments to safeguard their citizens.

Regulations are foremost for crypto in 2022, nonetheless restrictions are no longer.”

Jason is the pinnacle regulatory counsel and global chief compliance officer at Fireblocks, a digital asset custody, switch and settlement platform.

“The one year 2022 will be tumultuous, with regulators sending complex signals around the field and a slew of excessive-profile enforcement actions, specifically within the united states. As we tear from one of the most contemporary share of searching to suit cryptocurrencies into existing asset classes to the lengthy scuttle share of adopting regulatory frameworks that treat digital resources as digital resources, we’re going to be capable to witness a increasing agreement around cryptocurrency law.

Through law, Europe will resolve the lead, adopted by the united states. Whereas the explicit outlines of future regulatory frameworks are unknown, there are grounds to lift that the industry’s greatest fears — such as outlawing DeFi and/or unhosted wallets — is maybe no longer realized. Institutional adoption will be fueled by regulatory clarity, or even signals of future clarity.”

Lisa is an Elliott Wave specialist trader with 20-plus years of journey in veteran shares and commodities, now completely shopping and selling cryptocurrency. She runs and co-owns Getting Began In Crypto, Thousand To Millions and The Moon Mag with Josh Taylor.

“Most exchanges I substitute on own asked me to full KYC to dwell shopping and selling on their platforms. A pair of exchanges took this too far by slicing accounts correct down to one per person, which, in actual fact, was as soon as crazy. With veteran banking, you would possibly own a form of accounts with one financial institution, so in my thought, a few bridges ought to be crossed to meet within the center. AML can aloof be tightened, nonetheless now we own a lengthy contrivance to tear. And as with veteran cash, there’ll always be methods around this. Blockchain does tighten the ability to follow the money path, nonetheless there are unusual methods taking medications day to day to camouflage these trails.”

Crop is the pinnacle of compliance and regulatory affairs at CoinShares UK, a digital asset administration firm that provides financial products and services and products for professional shoppers.

“I am looking ahead to a trifurcation of approaches from regulators in 2022. Before every thing, there’ll be the builders producing bespoke regulations for digital resources. Secondly, nervous by financial stability considerations, a subset of regulators will feel instantaneous movement is required! Their default ability will be to merely valid-click on and reproduction correct thru banking regulations. Thirdly, there’ll be a handful of regulators having a trace to impose necessary restrictions on or outright ban digital resources.

My hope is that 2022 will belong to the builders and be viewed as the one year that global regulatory frameworks for digital resources in actuality commenced — future-having a trace frameworks that would possibly toughen a unfavorable-border ability to the technological, valid, regulatory and supervisory challenges.

In 2022, I am having a trace at two particular traits:

  • The Markets in Crypto-Sources regulations, where negotiations would be finalized within the future of Q2 2022, with MiCA starting off in 2024. By being the first mover, MiCA is doubtless to role the baseline for assessing future nationwide regulations.
  • The rate of implementation of the Monetary Steadiness Board’s stablecoin solutions and standards into nationwide regulations.

Whereas any regulations are no longer going to be completely most interesting upon their first implementation, they will designate necessary steps ahead within the constructing of digital asset law.”

Paolo is the chief abilities officer of Bitfinex, a digital asset shopping and selling platform offering cutting-edge products and services for digital currency traders and global liquidity suppliers.

“Regulators will proceed to trace at methods to position in jam appropriate principles and regulations for blockchain-primarily based mostly technologies, and I’d relief the industry to proactively work with regulators to inspire them reach this plot.”

Roger is an early Bitcoin adopter and investor. He’s the chief chairman of, a residing featuring cryptocurrency facts to boot to to an alternative and wallet carrier. He shall be one of many five customary founders of the Bitcoin Basis.

“I trace ahead to the day executive regulators ought to accumulate aesthetic work within the non-public sector and their salaries are now no longer extracted from others with threats of violence.”

Simon is the crypto analyst at eToro, the field’s leading social shopping and selling platform, which presents both investing in shares and cryptocurrencies.

“EToro entirely supports regulatory measures designed to offer protection to and educate shoppers and slay-customers. We hope that any tricks put apart in jam will steadiness the ought to offer protection to retail shoppers with a desire to toughen their participation within the crypto markets. We hope that increased law will inspire to facilitate higher exhaust of a abilities that can no longer most interesting ship valid advantages to the financial products and services sector nonetheless also facilitate higher financial inclusion globally.”

Yat is the co-founder and executive chairman of Animoca Brands, which delivers digital property rights to the field’s avid gamers and web customers, thereby creating a brand unusual asset class, play-to-invent economies and a more equitable digital framework contributing to the constructing of the originate Metaverse.

“Regulations will birth up to vary into more defined in 2022, even even supposing how, precisely, stays to be viewed. 2021’s milestone was as soon as seemingly the giant improve in public awareness of blockchain — Collins Dictionary even declared ‘NFT’ the be conscious of the one year.”

These quotes had been edited and condensed.

The views, tips and opinions expressed listed below are the authors’ by myself and carry out no longer basically deem or describe the views and opinions of Cointelegraph.

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