
Which Ethereum Layer 2 Will Be Subsequent to Airdrop a Token?

Which Ethereum Layer 2 Will Be Subsequent to Airdrop a Token?

Key Takeaways

  • Several Ethereum Layer 2 initiatives might perhaps well soon beginning their very non-public native tokens.
  • Arbitrum, StarkNet and zkSync beget all hinted that launching their very non-public token will be obligatory to lend a hand them decentralize.
  • StarkNet has already confirmed that this can beginning a token in some unspecified time in the future, even supposing no date has been presented.

Several Ethereum Layer 2 networks beget hinted that they might perhaps well well fair beginning their very non-public native tokens in the approaching months, which would seemingly lead to airdrops for early users. Join Crypto Briefing as we snatch a stumble on at which one is at distress of be the predominant to tug the residence off. 


One amongst essentially the most eagerly anticipated Layer 2 tokens is that of Arbitrum, an Ethereum Optimistic Rollup solution created by Offchain Labs. 

Arbitrum’s builders were tight-lipped about whether or now now not or now now not the challenge will want a token, but several clues set that one will be coming in the now now not-so-distant future. 

Currently, Arbitrum’s transaction sequencing and proving are performed utterly by its creator, Offchain Labs. This measure modified into as soon as obligatory for the early stages of the chain’s pattern to ensure stability, and has allowed Offchain Labs to react to repair considerations after they arose

On the opposite hand, now that Arbitrum has been up and working for over a year and completed its contemporary Nitro give a decide to, Offchain Labs might perhaps well fair soon beginning the approach of opening the chain as a lot as decentralized sequencing. The Arbitrum creator has incessantly acknowledged that its long-timeframe conception will decentralize transaction sequencing to bring the Layer 2 more in step with the founding principles of Ethereum. On the opposite hand, making trudge that Arbitrum is each and each stable and decentralized is now not any easy process. 

Many outstanding figures in the crypto neighborhood beget steered that Arbitrum might perhaps well fair beginning a token to lend a hand collateralize and incentivize decentralized sequencing. The Layer 2 might perhaps well reward sequencers with tokens for helping stable the chain, identical to how Ethereum mainnet considerations ETH rewards to validators. There’s additionally scope for Offchain Labs to introduce a fee market where sure services require fee in Arbitrum tokens, making a sub-ecosystem on the chain. Offchain Labs might perhaps well additionally expend a token for on-chain governance; nonetheless, since Offchain Labs is a registered company, it will be sophisticated for it to streak down this route with out falling noxious of U.S. securities laws. 

In contemporary months, Aribtrum has skilled an influx of users attempting to register job on the chain in hopes of receiving a token airdrop. Arbitrum’s closest competitor, Optimism, launched its non-public token in May perhaps perhaps perhaps also this year, with each and each early and frequent users receiving a bit of OP tokens for their patronage. The Arbitrum Odyssey marketing and marketing campaign has extra heightened hypothesis that an Arbitrum token will be in the cards. On the opposite hand, with petite legit info, it remains unclear if (and when) Arbitrum will beginning a token. 


While an Arbitrum token is for the time being most attention-grabbing speculated, StarkWare’s StarkNet has already confirmed its plans to beginning a token. 

In a series of weblog posts published in July, StarkWare presented that decentralizing its StarkNet Layer 2 community would involve issuing a token to be historical because the community’s fee and staking asset. StarkNet is a Layer 2 community that utilizes Zero-Data Rollups to lend a hand scale Ethereum. 

Connected to how Offchain Labs for the time being handles all transaction sequencing on Arbitrum, StarkNet’s sequencing is additionally centralized. On the opposite hand, StarkWare intends at hand off transaction proving and sequencing to its neighborhood to win the community more stable and decentralized. The StarkNet token will be historical in the community’s consensus mechanism each and each as staking collateral posted by sequencers and paid out as a reward to folks who make a contribution to the community’s security. 

Furthermore, while StarkNet transaction prices are for the time being paid in ETH, StarkWare plans to replace prices to StarkNet’s native token after its beginning. As soon as this takes residing, a portion of the prices paid by users will additionally be redirected to stakers, appropriate as they are on Ethereum mainnet. Allocating prices to stakers must gentle proceed incentivizing decentralized sequencing long after the maximum offer of 10 billion StarkNet tokens has been distributed. 

A final planned expend for the StarkNet token is in governance. Though StarkWare will clutch ownership of StarkNet, folks who clutch the community’s token will be ready to lend a hand decide its values and strategic objectives thru on-chain voting. The selections token holders can beget sway over has now now not yet been clearly defined. On the opposite hand, StarkWare has confirmed that token holders will ought to approve predominant updates a lot like adjustments to StarkNet’s working system. 

Any person attempting to qualify for an airdrop of the StarkNet token is seemingly too slack. In line with StarkWare, the token beginning has been designed to primarily compensate core contributors and builders. Half the token offer has been allocated to early merchants, StarkWare employees and consultants, and StarkNet instrument developer companions. Of the rest 50%, 9% has been residence aside as a neighborhood provision. 

These who verifiably conducted pattern work for StarkNet will receive tokens alongside previous StarkEx users who historical the scaling challenge earlier than June 1, 2022. This implies that anybody who incessantly historical protocols a lot like dYdX, Immutable X, or Sorare might perhaps well potentially qualify for an allocation. 

While StarkWare has now now not yet confirmed a beginning date, the July announcement said that the StarkNet token would beginning in September 2022. On the opposite hand, while the contracts might perhaps well fair work reside within the following few weeks, it’s seemingly that tokens won’t smartly enter circulation unless a later date. That’s as a consequence of most tokens will be locked and vested for as a minimum three hundred and sixty five days from the StarkNet token genesis tournament. Any person attempting to make investments in the StarkNet token will seemingly ought to abet unless neighborhood provisions are distributed at a later date earlier than the market has adequate liquidity to toughen trading.


zkSync, one more Zero-Data Rollup challenge working to scale Ethereum on Layer 2, might perhaps well additionally beget a token in the works. 

Since the early days of its pattern, zkSync’s pattern group Topic Labs has been transparent about its diagram to beginning a token. In line with the challenge’s developer documentation, zkSync will beginning a native token which might be required to lend a hand validate transactions on the Layer 2. Though no detailed info about how the token will be distributed and feature has been released, zkSync will seemingly modify to a identical course to StarkNet as each and each initiatives desire to introduce a token to support decentralization.  

By approach of pattern, zkSync is earlier than StarkNet, having already launched a absolutely-composable Layer 2. Users can bridge funds to the zkSync 1.0 mainnet and take part in different activities, a lot like trading by approach of ZigZag change, taking half in games on Tevaera, and donating to Gitcoin grants. On the opposite hand, the 1.0 version lacks parts treasure Validium, that might provide off-chain info availability, better transaction throughput, and lower prices. 

zkSync is for the time being rising a 2.0 version that might incorporate Validium under the identical zkSync API. zkSync 2.0 is for the time being in the testnet phase of pattern with a plump free up scheduled for October. If the 2.0 beginning is profitable, Topic Labs might perhaps well fair shift its focal level to decentralization, seemingly in the produce of decentralized sequencing and a native token. 

On the opposite hand, since Topic Labs is yet to free up minute print on the arrangement it plans to decentralize zkSync, a token beginning can even be a good distance off. As such, those attempting to win in on a doubtless airdrop must gentle gentle beget time to win fascinating and register job on the community. The utilization of zkSync 1.0 is seemingly a appropriate residing to beginning; folks who historical it to donate to Gitcoin grants earlier than a gash-off date were incorporated in Optimism’s first token airdrop. Checking out out zkSync 2.0 might perhaps well fair additionally be precious. Several DeFi and NFT apps beget deployed contracts on the 2.0 testnet, so interacting with every of them might perhaps well additionally lend a hand users qualify for added protocol-particular airdrops.

So, Which Ethereum Venture May perhaps perhaps perhaps also Be Subsequent? 

If StarkNet can follow its September estimate, this can almost no doubt be the following Ethereum Layer 2 to beginning a token. On the opposite hand, as a consequence of the long vesting agenda of the at the beginning distributed tokens, it will be a while earlier than the StarkNet token neighborhood provision hits the market and supplies adequate liquidity for trading. 

If this does stop up being the case, token airdrops from Arbitrum or zkSync might perhaps well in the end take the limelight from StarkNet with wider allocations to their communities. Though neither challenge has made an legit announcement, it doesn’t imply a token beginning for both is necessarily that some distance-off. Initiatives which might perhaps well well be planning to airdrop tokens most incessantly support some distance from announcing beginning dates upfront to end Sybil attacks from airdrop farmers. In Optimism’s case, the challenge presented its token round a month earlier than beginning.

At their new pattern charges, Arbitrum or zkSync might perhaps well surprise and beginning their tokens earlier than a plump beginning from StarkNet. On the opposite hand, a token beginning in direction of the stop of 2022 or early 2023 appears more plausible. Either arrangement, one thing is sure: Arbitrum, StarkNet, and zkSync beget all dedicated to following Ethereum’s ethos and conception to optimize their networks for decentralization—and they’ll all need their very non-public tokens to win that happen. 

Disclosure: At the time of writing this half, the creator owned ETH and several other other cryptocurrencies. 

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