
Hong Kong NFT challenge Monkey Kingdom loses $1.3M in phishing hack, launches compensation fund

Hong Kong NFT challenge Monkey Kingdom loses $1.3M in phishing hack, launches compensation fund

The exploited nonfungible token challenge is having a watch to thrill in things valid earlier than the holidays with the lend a hand of a compensation fund.

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Hong Kong NFT project Monkey Kingdom loses $1.3M in phishing hack, launches compensation fund

On Tuesday, Solana nonfungible token (NFT) challenge Monkey Kingdom, which has bought significant backing from American DJ Steve Aoki, announced through Twitter that hackers made off with $1.3 million of the community’s crypto funds thru a security breach on Discord. 

In accordance to its builders, the hack first came about with the breach of Grape, a favorite resolution for verifying users on Solana. Hackers then vulnerable the exploit to put off over an administrative story, which posted a phishing link within the Monkey Kingdom Discord’s announcement channel. Users who followed the link connected their wallets looking ahead to they’d receive an NFT however as a replace were drained of their SOL tokens by the scammer.

Announcement on the discord hack

— Monkey Kingdom (@MonkeyKingdom_) December 21, 2021

Tragically, the hack took self-discipline when users were lining up for the challenge’s second drop. The Monkey Kingdom consists of two,222 algorithmically-generated NFTs centered around Solar Wukong, in any other case recognized as “The Monkey King” in Chinese language folklore. All proceeds from the preliminary sale of the NFTs were to head to a charity of preference, with the intent of supporting Asian communities worldwide. It changed into as soon as one of essentially the most successful NFT projects to agree with originated in Asia. 

Guys I got drained 650 $SOL.

It is one my greatest mistake.

I’m continuously recommending of us the utilize of burner however I changed into as soon as apprehensive and fomo the Monkey Kingdom Mint. By no approach view it changed into as soon as now no longer a legit mint link in official discord.

It would be essential money to my family: my wife, my son.

— commenstar (@commenstar) December 21, 2021

Linked: Beeple’s Discord compromised, timed to coincide with Christie’s auction

One Twitter user, who goes by the title of “commenstar,” claims to agree with lost 650 SOL, price roughly $120,400, resulting from the rip-off. But all changed into as soon as now no longer lost. The workers at Monkey Kingdom has residing apart a compensation fund for victims and is heading within the suitable route to fully reimburse those affected. The timeline and route of for distributing the funds has now no longer yet been disclosed.

Phishing assaults are nothing new for the crypto industry. Over the previous year, scammers were recurrently focused on Discord users and exploiting the platform, itself, to orchestrate such NFT hacks. 

Monkey Kingdom community, now we agree with your support! Now we agree with begun processing compensation requests and is doubtless to be contacting individuals beginning at the present time. Thank you on your persistence! While you receive your compensation, please kindly piece the news with the community. For the Kingdom!!

— Monkey Kingdom (@MonkeyKingdom_) December 22, 2021

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