
Microsoft Has Patented a Token Interoperability Machine

Microsoft Has Patented a Token Interoperability Machine

The tech massive has been awarded a patent for a ledger-fair token introduction carrier.

Key Takeaways

  • Microsoft has been granted a patent that describes a token introduction carrier geared in the direction of venture chains.
  • The carrier would allow developers to abolish rotten-platform sources.
  • Microsoft has no longer explicitly said that it plans to present the patent into an staunch product or carrier.

Microsoft has patented a cryptocurrency instrument that would maybe maybe allow developers to abolish ledger-fair tokens in a easy ability.

Microsoft Patents Token Creation Provider

Interior the patent filing, Microsoft describes a mode for creating a “ledger-fair token carrier.”

The carrier affords varied token templates, each of which represents a “kind of physical or digital asset.” Each and each template also items controls and functions for the token type in search details from.

Within the patent, Microsoft notes that there’s currently a “lack of standardization” for distributed ledger tokens, specifically in instances that involve rotten-ledger transactions and token reuse. By contrast, the manner described in the patent would allow developers to write code for tokens on fairly a few platforms impulsively.

The patent appears to be like to essentially be geared in the direction of developers the insist of venture platforms in decision to public blockchains. The patent mentions well-known projects in that category including Hyperledger Cloth, Quorum, R3 Corda, and Chain Core.

Will It Become a Real Product?

It desires to be noted that no longer all patents turn out to be staunch products, meaning that Microsoft’s latest software program is never any longer going to necessarily evolve valid into a staunch carrier that’s publicly available.

However, Microsoft has traditionally expressed interest in interoperability. In 2019, it announced its involvement in the Token Taxonomy Initiative, one more token standardization venture. It has also joined venture blockchain initiatives similar to Hyperledger and the Challenge Ethereum Alliance.

That historical past suggests Microsoft would maybe maybe also simply actively be working on a product, regardless that the firm has no longer said this explicitly.

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