
Residence memo info Congress’ priorities sooner than crypto CEO hearing

Residence memo info Congress’ priorities sooner than crypto CEO hearing

The hearing on digital sources will involve discussions around four key aspects: crypto exchanges, stablecoin offerings, regulatory concerns in digital sources and federal regulatory responses.

The US Residence Committee on Financial Services released a memorandum detailing the aspects of dialogue sooner or later of the hybrid hearing on digital sources to be held on Wednesday at 10: 00 am ET.

Addressing the members of the Financial Services Committee, the memo confirmed that the hearing will devote one panel to six executives from the crypto neighborhood as witnesses. The record entails Circle’s Jeremy Allaire, FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried, Bitfury Neighborhood’s Brian Brooks, Paxos’ Charles Cascarilla, Stellar’s Denelle Dixon and Coinbase’s Alesia Haas.

The hearing, entitled “Digital Resources and the Future of Finance: Thought the Challenges and Advantages of Financial Innovation in the US,” seeks to focus on about four key aspects: crypto exchanges, stablecoin offerings, regulatory concerns in digital sources and federal regulatory responses.

The brief reads, “This hearing will see a few of the modern companies and products and products offered by significant digital sources market contributors, the characteristic of cryptocurrency market exchanges in facilitating investments in cryptocurrency and linked transactions, the increase of stablecoins and diverse digital sources, and the unique regulatory panorama governing these modern companies and products and products.”

— U.S. Residence Committee on Financial Services (@FSCDems) December 1, 2021

Whereas the memo highlights the characteristic of exchanges in serving as an entry point for crypto traders, the hearing will also focus on decentralized finance, given its skill to “replicate and change inclined offer of financial companies and products reminiscent of loans, asset procuring and selling, insurance, and diverse companies and products.”

The file also talks about the variations in operational constructions and reserve compositions of stablecoins in comparison to fiat currency, at the side of:

“Cryptocurrency markets have not any overarching and centralized regulatory framework, leaving investments in the digital sources residing at likelihood of fraud, manipulation, and abuse. Digital sources and linked service companies can express money laundering, terrorist financing, sanctions evasion, kleptocracy, and diverse illicit finance dangers.”

Acknowledging the upward push of cryptocurrencies, Congress hopes to invent a clear stance on central bank digital currencies (CBDC) basically based fully on the continuing look performed by the Federal Reserve to “see the aptitude advantages and dangers of CBDCs and its affect on the U.S. home payments scheme.”

On Tuesday, Circle’s Allaire released a commentary sooner than the hearing, stating:

“In a worldwide the put money becomes a core characteristic of the fetch, the U.S. would possibly per chance perhaps still aggressively promote the utilization of the greenback as the main currency of the fetch, and leverage that as a offer of nationwide financial competitiveness, security and a foremost reinforce wanted for additional environment friendly and inclusive financial companies and products.”

Allaire’s firm, Circle is the sole issuer of buck-backed stablecoin USD Coin (USDC). He suggested that the U.S. authorities can catch mainstream use of the stablecoin by greenback-denominated reserves. “Policy frameworks deserve to reinforce an launch and competitive playing field, and permit modern technologies to flourish,” he added.

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